Art, Possibilities, a Little Jazz, and Change

I’m back this week with Robert Henri’s fine book, The Art Spirit, to which I return often for his wisdom and generous thoughts about art and artists. Henri did not write about abstract art or collage, but he did write about how artists work and that has not changed in most ways since the book was first published in 1923, 100 years ago. I have … Continue reading Art, Possibilities, a Little Jazz, and Change

It’s Okay to Change Your Mind

Raoul Dufy painted maritime and racing scenes. Vincent Van Gogh painted starry nights and irises. Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa. Remembering the Rain 2019 24 x 18 I paint jazz. I’ve turned to my old friends Bayles and Orland, Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking, for guidance as I try to understand the quick change from a switch to painting … Continue reading It’s Okay to Change Your Mind